Thursday, August 19, 2010

I heart Ina...

Barefoot Contessa became my BFF when I was living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota last summer (worst place on earth). I was in my first trimester and so so sick. I stayed in bed all day watching the food network, craving everything I saw. I don't know why all of the food I had made me sick but all of the food I saw on TV sounded delightful.

I refer to her as "barefoot" and I just love her! She is so sweet and her recipes always look so good and easy. I watch her almost everyday and if I miss her, I have a DVR full of her. However, I must confess that I have only tried a handful of her recipes. I don't have a dishwasher and making huge meals stresses me out. So, if you don't already love her, turn her on and make a new friend!


Heather said...

I have one of her cookbooks! Great appetizer ideas!

Mary said...

Love it. We should exchange recipes, I love trying new things! I use to post on here some of the dishes I would attempt to make a long with their pictures, but....that gets to hard these days to keep that up, ha!

Heather said...

Oh, I love Ina too! I think she is just so adorable and crafty. And she makes all of her recipes look approachable!